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- Достъпът до правна помощ е инструмент за социална справедливост и демократично управление – ПРАВЕН АНАЛИЗ НА БЕЖАНСКАТА И МИГРАЦИОННА ПРАКТИКА ЗА 2024Достъпът до правна помощ на уязвими групи от обществото не е просто правен...
- Moving forward: sustaining progress and ensuring a lasting reduction in migration policies based on power-based methods and practicesPeriod - 1 January 2022 - 28 February 2023 (14 months) Name -...
- Implementing alternatives to community detention and reducing irregularity in the migration systemPeriod - 1 May 2019 - 30 April 2021 (24 months) Name -...
- Supporting vulnerable third-country nationals in return proceduresSupporting vulnerable third-country nationals in return procedures
- Effective legal aid for refugees and migrants in Bulgaria – continuationPeriod - 1 November 2021 - 1 November 2023 (24 months) Name -...