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- Fondatsia Tsentar za Pravna Pomosht – “Glas v Bulgaria” /Foundation Center for Legal Aid – Voice in Bulgaria
- DSK Bank Bulgaria
- IBAN BG94STSA93000019238542
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Join our internship program for Bulgarian and international students
What our volunteers and interns say
Definitely the people! Both the CLA team and the clients have been such positive forces during my time here.
I most enjoyed being able to meet clients and see how much of an impact the organisation has for the people it helps. I was able to meet people from many different backgrounds as well as other volunteers who work with refugees and asylum-seekers, and was encouraged by their dedication and passion. I attended an information session in Butsmansti Detention Center, a Human Library event, a Solidarity Festival, and different exhibitions and talks on migration issues, which provided a helpful context to the work the CLA does. Meeting these people and hearing their experiences gave me a better understanding of the experiences of migrants and made my time in Bulgaria especially memorable.
I enjoyed everything during my internship, but I definitely enjoyed some things more than others. Firstly, I absolutely loved how involved I got to be with the CLA and its mission to help refugees and migrants in detention. Secondly, I felt that I was never working on any one project for too long, but more importantly, that each and every one of these projects were to some degree important to the betterment of the CLA. Lastly, but not least, I will forever feel fortunate to have worked alongside so many amazing people, both within the organization itself and with others like CVS-Bulgaria who often cooperate with the CLA.