Period – 1 May 2019 – 30 April 2021 (24 months)
Name – Implementing alternatives to community detention and reducing irregularity in the migration system
Donor – European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM) of the Network of European Foundations (NEF)
Partner – Kritas – Sofia
Total value – 119, 028.00 euro
Short Description. Legal Aid Centre – Voice in Bulgaria (LAC) implemented the project “Implementing alternatives to community detention and reducing irregularity in the migration system”, funded by the European Network of Foundations (NEF) through the European Programme on Integration and Migration (EPIM). The main objective of the project was to further expand on existing progress in our advocacy to reduce the use of migration detention in Bulgaria as with the implementation of commitment-based alternatives to detention (ABD). The project aimed to promote and facilitate the use of engagement-based alternatives to migration detention (ATD) as a first option, further develop case management as a tool for successful implementation of ATD, and advocate for the reduction of irregularities in the migration system through non-coercive, voluntary engagement methods. He sought to challenge the “detain and deport” paradigm by building a positive narrative about migration and advocating for the introduction of legal pathways to regular status.
In our first and in our second pilot projects, we included a component to provide case management and legal assistance to foreigners who are detained or at risk of detention.
Both pilot projects were part of a joint implementation in several European countries and served as a basis for the establishment of the European Alternatives to Detention Network (European ATD Network).
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