Effective implementation of alternatives to migration detention in Bulgaria

Effective implementation of alternatives to migration detention in Bulgaria Екип ЦПП December 13, 2023

Effective implementation of alternatives to migration detention in Bulgaria​

Since 2017, the Legal Aid Center – Voice in Bulgaria Foundation has been working in the field of immigration detention and its application in Bulgaria. Together with partners from several European countries, the Foundation has implemented three pilot projects with the financial support of the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM), aimed at assisting legislators, policy makers, and enforcement authorities at national and regional level in reducing the use of immigration detention, prioritizing the implementation of alternatives to detention and, more broadly, countering irregularities in the migration system and irregular migration through non-coercive methods.

Together with Mission Wings Foundation we have also implemented the project “Supporting vulnerable persons among third-country nationals in return procedures through case management and alternatives to detention”, under the National Programme of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

Immigration detention is an extreme form of coercive administrative measure, which is equivalent to the criminal measure of deprivation of liberty, but without the offence and the available guarantees of a criminal proceeding. Detention in Bulgaria can be up to 18 months and a number of reports and studies at international level point to the harmful effects of its application on the human

As an organisation, we oppose the automatic and inappropriate use of immigration detention on people outside regular status in Bulgaria, without prior consideration of alternative, less severe measures.

We oppose any form of detention of children.

CPT-Glas in Bulgaria joins forces in the context of this campaign with the European Network for Alternatives to Migration Detention and the International Coalition Against Detention.


CPT-Glas in Bulgaria is joining forces in the context of this campaign with the European Network for Alternatives to Detention and the International Coalition against Detention.
