Час: 14:00 сл. об. | Място: Sofia
Since its entry in the European Union, Bulgaria has been at the forefront of the challenges facing the establishment of a common European asylum and migration policy. After the Global Approach to Migration in 2005, and even more in the wake of the “Arab uprisings”, the European Union has engaged in a number cooperation processes on “mobility and security” where Bulgaria is involved as a Member State. If collaboration with MENA countries has intensified over the past few years in the field of migration and asylum at governance level, civil society organisations also have been very active across the Mediterranean in ensuring that cooperation processes are respectful of human rights, including the rights of migrants and refugees.
EuroMed Rights and the Centre for Legal Aid are please to invite you to an event bringing together over 15 participants from Morocco to Italy, from Spain to Turkey, from Tunisia to Jordan, with Bulgarian civil society organisations and officials. It will provide a unique opportunity to hear bring the Euro-Mediterranean perspective in this important debate.
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