EU must protect children on the move – joint statement of 30 NGO cla_team ноември 20, 2024

EU must protect children on the move – joint statement of 30 NGO

Center of Legal Aid – Voice in Bulgaria has join forces with  29 humanitarian organisations and co-signed a  policy brief warning that the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum risks failing to protect unaccompanied children at Europe’s borders.

While the EU Pact promises to “significantly enhance” protection for unaccompanied children, in reality they may be exposed to even greater dangers – unless stronger safeguards are swiftly put into place.

As the EU and its member states move towards implementation of the EU Pact, we are calling for them to ensure that the rights of unaccompanied children are protected – in line with international refugee and human rights law.

We’re calling for the EU and its member states to pursue 10 key priorities to ensure that the rights of unaccompanied children are protected – in line with international refugee and human rights law – and create a PactThatProtectsChildren.

Download the statement in English.

Download the statement in Bulgarian.